Home Technology Technology / Windows Movie Maker

Technology / Windows Movie Maker

The following list of training videos were developed by Mark Liron, Microsoft MVP, and speak to different features and processes when using Microsoft Movie Maker. Just Click on the icon next to the title to pay video. 

Reel of Film

What is Windows Move Maker?

Reel of Film

Adding Transitions

Reel of Film

The Collections Area

Reel of Film

Video Effects

Reel of Film

Importing Clips

Reel of Film

Titles & Credits

Reel of Film

Importing Video from Your Camcorder

Reel of Film

Adding Sound to a Movie

Reel of Film

Capturing Video from Your Camcorder

Reel of Film

Adding Photographs to a Movie

Reel of Film

Importing Pictures into Movie Maker

Reel of Film

Adding Narration to a Movie

Reel of Film

Importing Audio or Music into Movie Maker

Reel of Film

Saving a Movie – Part 1

Reel of Film

Splitting Video CLips

Reel of Film

Saving a Movie – Part 2

Reel of Film

Trimming a Video Clip

Reel of Film

The “Save Movie As…” Wizard