Home Special Services SEPAG


Welcome to the Green Brook Township Public Schools Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) web page.  The group consists of parents/guardians of special education students and is open to all members of the Green Brook Township School District community that possess an interest in supporting students with disabilities.

Special Education Parent Advisory Groups are required for all school districts in New Jersey.  New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h) states that: “Each Board of Education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities.”


“Discovering individual pathways to success”


“The Green Brook District Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) has a mission to collaborate with the Green Brook Township Public Schools through parent input to identify areas for improving practices, services, and programs for all children with special needs.”


1. Improve communication with all school community stakeholders
2. Support social activities for special education students
3. Promote education about special needs for all students and parents

SEPAG Meetings

December 2, 2022 SEPAG Meeting
January 6, 2023 SEPAG Meeting

Recent Posts from Special Services

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Preschool Registration Information

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Past Presentations

SEPAG New Parent Presentation