Dr. Lisa Ferreira, Director of Student Services
(732) 968-1051 x1300
Project Child Find
Children who may have identifiable disabilities and are not yet of school age may be eligible for program support. The New Jersey Department of Health serves children under three (3) years of age and Green Brook Township Public School services children between three (3) and twenty-one (21) years of age who are eligible. Please note that for students in grades 9-12, their needs are serviced by Watchung Hills Regional High School.
How does a student get referred?
Faculty members use many strategies to help students improve their academic performance. When a student experiences significant academic and behavioral difficulties, a teacher may refer the student to the school’s Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Committee.
The Intervention & Referral Services Committee (I&RS) is a multi-disciplinary team, which may include any of the following: the principal, parents/guardians, teachers, nurse, a member of the Child Study Team, and other school personnel. The I&RS Committee discusses and recommends additional strategies which can be utilized in the classroom and at home. Green Brook Township Public Schools follows the New Jersey Tiered System of Support (NJTSS) approach which utilizes a Response to Intervention (RtI) model.
Anyone who has an educational or parental responsibility for a child can make a referral to the Green Brook Department of Special Services Child Study Team by notifying the Director in writing.
What are the steps in the evaluation process?
Step 1. A student may be referred for evaluation by a parent, teacher, the I&RS principal. The reasons for the referral are stated, along with any documentation or interventions.
Step 2. Determination is made by a team composed of the child study team, parents, and the teachers as to whether or not an evaluation should take place. If so, the same team determines what assessments should be made.
Step 3. The findings are compiled and a meeting is held to determine eligibility. If the child is eligible, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. This plan is reviewed at least annually.
The Child Study Team is composed of:
- The School Social Worker – who reviews the student’s family background and his/her development.
- The School Psychologist – who evaluates the student’s emotional, social and intellectual functioning.
- The Learning Disabilities Teacher – Consultant (LDT-C) who focuses on the student’s academic profile.
What happens when a student is classified?
After the individualized education program (IEP) is completed and all parties are in agreement, the IEP is implemented. Special education teachers, regular education teachers and other staff members are responsible for implementing the student’s program. All those involved receive a copy of the student’s IEP. The case manager coordinates the IEP and the student’s program.
Resource Programs
- In-Class Resource Program – provided by a special education teacher within the child’s regular class.
- Out-of-Class Resource Program – a replacement of a subject(s) outside of the regular education class, in a resource center.
Special Class Programs
- Learning and/or Language Disabilities – Severe – a special education teacher works with a small number of students utilizing specially designed strategies to enhance learning and language development.
- Behavioral Disabilities – a special education teacher works with a small number of students utilizing specially designed strategies to enhance emotional and behavioral development.
- Preschool Disabilities – a special education teacher works with a small number of students on specific learning programs, or provides supplemental support in an integrated general education setting.
- Out of the district program options are part of the continuum of services.
At any time during the process of an evaluation or after the child is classified, a parent can elect to either stop the process or refuse to accept the services. The school district also reserves the right to provide a program that provides a free and appropriate public education in the student’s least restrictive environment.
Related Services
Related services are those services that are necessary for the student to benefit from special education, and include:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Counseling/Social Skills
- Adaptive Physical Education
- Transportation
- Instructional aide
- Consultation
Where can I get more information?
Green Brook Township Public Schools Department of Special Services maintains resources for parents and educators in the area of special education and related services:
The New Jersey Department of Education also provides helpful information at the following:
New Jersey Department Office of Special Education – http://www.state.nj.us/education/specialed/
New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 – http://www.state.nj.us/education/code/current/title6a/chap14.pdf
Parental Rights in Special Education – http://www.nj.gov/education/specialed/form/prise/prise.pdf
Special Education Parent Advisory Group –
Special Education Advisory Council Meetings
Come join us for monthly meetings @ 7:00 p.m. in the Green Brook Middle School Media Center. See the SEPAG page for dates and agenda. ADA-504 provides equal opportunity services for non-classified students who are eligible.