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Media Center


Destiny will take you to the library catalog. Click on your school. The “Home” tab contains useful links for school projects.

noodletoolsNoodleTools is an online bibliography generator. If you are logged in to your chrome account, you will have access to your NoodleTools account. There is also a shortcut under GBTPS Bookmarks and you can find it in your chrome apps.

destiny-discoverDestiny Discover is our collection of audio and digital books. Download the FREE Destiny Discover app to listen or read on your personal device. Here is a flier with details: howtocheckoutanaudiobook-docx


Facts On File contains 12 databases that include the World Almanac for Kids as well as information on history, science, and literature. (User name and password: greenbrook/middle)


Britannica School is an online encyclopedia featuring elementary, middle, and high school reading levels. (User name and password: gbms/gbms)


EbscoHost is a database of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. (User name and password: gbms/gbms)