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Guidance Counselor / Grade 5

Grade 5 Information Committee for Children’s: Steps to Respect: A Bully  Prevention Curriculum   spring  Grade 5  guidance classes  are held  in minimesters of thirty days. Each fifth grade homeroom will have two minimesters of guidance during this school year.  The following schedule will indicate when your child will have class: 
Trimester 1: Minimester 1-Smith; Minimester 2-Pudlak and KowalTrimester 2: Minimester 1-Pudlak and Kowal; Minimester 2-Jones and Powell 
Trimester 3: Minimester 1- Jones and Powell; Minimester 2-Smith    spring   Course content includes the following topics:

  • Social skills: Friendship Making and Friendship Keeping Skills (first minimester)

         1. Review of the 5 steps in making new friends
         2. Conflict Resolution: “I-messages”
         3. Identifying a Problem with a Friend/How to use a “Stop and Think” Strategy
         4. Silence Can Ruin a Friendship: “Are You Mad at Me?”
         5. Anger Management: Control your Anger in Friendship
         6. Social Problem Solving
 Please open the following links to learn more about the program: Grade 5 Parent Letter  Homework: Prepare for the End-of-Program Test using the following study guide: Study Guide for End-of-Program Test  Students will also need to be familiar with the “Bullying Cycle” illustrated below and the various roles students typically play in a bullying situation.   spring

Bully Prevention Skills: (second minimester)

         1. Recognizing Bullying
     2. Refusing Bullying: A.K.A. Assertiveness Training
         3. Reporting Bullying
         4. Role of the “Upstander”
 Students are currently working on reporting skills.  Students understand the difference between tattling and reporting.  They are able to list the safety concerns that must be in place to report a bullying incident immediately.  When making a confidential report, students are advised to contact a trusted adult (parent, teacher, counselor or principal).  They must recall the “5 ‘W’s'” of a report: Who, What, When Where, and Witnesses. apring         Be the “G”!   Please be aware that in any given bullying situation, students assume any of the roles outlined in the diagram below.  The goal is to eliminate bullying by empowering bystanders to become upstanders, teaching tolerance of all people and respecting the unique qualities that make all special.  Students are taught the importance of becoming the “G”.   bullying