Home Board of Education Budget


2024-2025 Budget Information

The Green Brook Township Public School District is committed to providing clarity and transparency to the budget process through the collaborative development, articulation, and implementation of a community-approved budget that thoroughly addresses the comprehensive needs of the school district in the most cost-effective and responsible manner.

We welcome you to attend the budget presentations and discussions listed below in our budget calendar. Presentations will be posted after the public meetings.

November 2023
Budget launch with Operations Committee
Enrollment projections
Potential project review

December 2023
Administration development of preliminary budget

January 2024
Budget guidelines available from state DOE
Preliminary Operations Committee budget discussions

February 28, 2024
Public Goals Presentation
GBTPS Strategic Plan & District Goals 24-25

February 29, 2024
State Aid numbers received

March 13, 2024
Tentative Budget Presentation and BOE Approval
Subsequent submission of the tentative budget to the DOE
FY25 Tentative Budget Presentation
2024-25 Appropriations
2024- 25 Revenues

March 20, 2024
Last date to submit the tentative budget to DOE

April 24, 2024
Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
Submission of BOE adopted budget to the DOE
FY25 Final Budget Presentation

GBTPS User Friendly Budget FY25
GBTPS FY25 Full Budget

Please refer to Title 18A:7 and Title 19 for further information. Note: Statutory dates may be revised by the Commissioner pursuant to NJSA 18A:7F-5c.

2023-2024 Budget Information
March 1, 2023       Goals Presentation
GBTPS Strategic Plan and District Goals 23-24

March 15, 2023         Tentative Budget Presentation and BOE Approval
Submission of tentative budget to the DOE
FY24 Tentative Budget Presentation

April 26, 2023            Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
Submission of BOE adopted budget to the DOE
2023-24 Advertised Budget
FY24 Final Budget Presentation

GBTPS FY24 User Friendly Budget

2022-2023 Budget Information
February 16, 2022       Goals Presentation
District Goals 22-23 – Presentation

March 2, 2022       Budget Building Presentation
Funding Priorities – FY23

March 23, 2022         Preliminary Budget Presentation and BOE Approval
(Rescheduled from March 16, 2022)
Submission of preliminary/tentative budget to the DOE
Preliminary Budget – FY23

May 4, 2022            Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
Submission of BOE adopted budget to the DOE
FY23 User-Friendly Budget

2021-2022 Budget Information
February 24, 2021       Budget presentation
Presentation – FY22 Budget Planning Overview 2-24-2021
Revenue and Appropriation Projections

March 10, 2021       Budget presentation
FY22 Budget Presentation-3-10-2021
Facilities, transportation, WHRHS Tuition and other tuitions
Technology, Special Education, Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development

March 22, 2021.         Preliminary Budget Presentation and BOE Approval
FY22 Preliminary Budget 3-22-2021
Submission of preliminary/tentative budget to the DOE

April 28, 2021            Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
FY22 FINAL Budget 4-28-2021
FY22 User Friendly Budget Final
Submission of BOE adopted budget to the DOE

2020-2021 Budget Information
The Green Brook Township Public School District is committed to providing clarity and transparency to the budget process through the collaborative development, articulation, and implementation of a community-approved budget that thoroughly addresses the comprehensive needs of the school district in the most cost-effective and responsible manner.

We welcome you to attend the budget presentations and discussions listed below in our budget calendar. Presentations will be posted after the public meetings.

February 12, 2020       Budget presentation
FY21 Budget Discussion 2-12-2020
Revenue and Appropriation Projections

February 26, 2020       Budget presentation
FY21 Budget Presentation 2-26-2020
Facilities, transportation, WHRHS Tuition and other tuitions
Technology, Special Education, Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development

March 11, 2020           Preliminary Budget Presentation and BOE Approval
FY21 Preliminary Budget 3-11-2020
Submission of preliminary/tentative budget to the DOE (3/20/2020 deadline for submission)

March 25, 2020           NO PRESENTATION THIS MEETING

April 29, 2020             Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
FY21 Final Budget Presentation
FY21 GBTPS User Friendly Budget
Submission of BOE adopted budget to the DOE (4/24/2020 is the earliest date for public hearing)

2019-2020 Budget Information

The Green Brook Township Public School District is committed to providing clarity and transparency to the budget process through the collaborative development, articulation, and implementation of a community-approved budget that thoroughly addresses the comprehensive needs of the school district in the most cost-effective and responsible manner.

We welcome you to attend the budget presentations and discussions listed below in our budget calendar. Presentations will be posted after the public meetings.

January 28, 2019
Enrollment / Personnel / Projected Revenues
2019-2020 Budget Discussion

February 11, 2019
OPERATIONS: Facilities / Transportation / Technology
2019-2020 Operations Presentation

February 25, 2019
EDUCATION: Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development / Special Education / WHRHS Tuition
2019-2020 Education Presentation

March 11, 2019
Preliminary Budget and BOE Approval
FY20 Preliminary Budget

Prior years’ advertised budgets:
FY19 Advertised Budget
FY18 Advertised Budget

April 29, 2019
Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
GBTPS 2019-2020 User-Friendly Budget

2018-2019 Budget Information

The Green Brook Township Public School District is committed to providing clarity and transparency to the budget process through the collaborative development, articulation, and implementation of a community approved budget that thoroughly addresses the comprehensive needs of the school district in the most cost effective and responsible manner. We welcome you to attend the budget presentations and discussions listed below in our budget calendar:

November 27, 2017
2018 – 2019 Budget Process Overview & Goal Setting
2018-2019 Goal Setting

December 4, 2017
Enrollment / Personnel

January 29, 2018
Curriculum & Instruction & Professional Development
2018-2019 Curriculum and Instruction Budget

February 5, 2018
Operations: Facilities; Technology; Transportation
2018-2019 Operations

March 5, 2018
Year-Over-Year Budget Review

March 20, 2018
Submission of Preliminary Budget to DOE
2018 -2019 Preliminary Budget

March 29, 2018
Preliminary Budget and BOE Approval
2018-2019 Preliminary Budget 3.29.18
3.29.18 Special Emergency Meeting Agenda

April 30, 2018
Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget
2018 -2019 Final Budget 4.30.18

 2018-2019 User Friendly Budget 

2017-2018 Budget Information
November 28, 2016 2017 – 2018 Budget Process Overview & Goal Setting
2017-2018 Goal Setting • Budget 101

December 12, 2016 Enrollment / Personnel
Enrollment 2016-17 2017-18

January 23, 2017 Curriculum & Instruction & Professional Development
2017-2018 Curriculum and Instruction Budget

February 6, 2017 Operations: Facilities; Technology; Transportation
Operations Presentation 17-18

February 27, 2017 Year-Over-Year Budget Review

March 13, 2017 Preliminary Budget and BOE Approval
Preliminary 2017-18 Budget

March 27, 2017 Submission of Preliminary Budget to DOE

2017-2018 User Friendly Budget

April 24, 2017 Public Hearing and BOE Adoption of Final Budget

April 25, 2017 Submission of BOE Adopted Budget to the DOE