Home ATHLETICS Track and Field

Track and Field


Location GBMS Track
Registration and Medical Forms Due Friday, FEBRUARY 28
Dates March 14 – May 23
Days Monday – Friday
Time 3:15 – 4:15 (practice schedule posted below)

*Meet Schedule (posted online)

Eligibility Grades 6 – 8
Tryouts Not Necessary
Coaches Chris Fox

Kevin Weeks

Richard Esposito

April Practice Schedule

March Practice Schedule

Times are subject to change weather permitting. If the temperatures are warm enough, everyone should be prepared to go outside each day.  If you are unable to attend practices or meets, please tell or email either Mr. Fox, Mr. Weeks, or Mr. Esposito as soon as possible. cfox@gbtps.org – kweeks@gbtps.org  resposito@gbtps.org

Please click on the following link to obtain the code of conduct form: CODE OF CONDUCT