Green Brook is a suburban town where community members actively participate in school-centered events. Enrollment in the school district is approximately 730 students (a total of about 380 students in the Irene E. Feldkirchner Elementary School and 350 students in the Green Brook Middle School).
The Green Brook Township Public Schools offer an extensive curriculum that includes: language arts literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, Holocaust studies, character education, STEAM, physical education, health education, vocal and instrumental music, visual and performing arts, English language learning, world language (Spanish), speech, basic skills instruction, library skills, and gifted and talented education.
A District Five-Year Curriculum Plan that ensures that all subject areas are reviewed and updated on a cyclical basis guides educational programs. This plan accommodates and addresses the new Core Common State ELA and Math Standards and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and adopted by the New Jersey Department of Education. All programs are current and reflect high expectations for all students.
Professional development is an integral part of the district’s continuing goal to maintain educational excellence. Administrators and faculty working through our district and individual school professional development plans have formulated annual comprehensive in-district and building-based professional development programs.
The commitment to each student’s intellectual development is evident in district scores on state assessments and national achievement tests. Our assessment results have historically been above the state average and very competitive within Somerset County, as well as our statewide district factor grouping. Students’ participation in numerous contests and competitions, such as mathematics and current events leagues, and art and essay competitions, afford students the opportunity to excel in a variety of academic, artistic, and athletic venues.
The Green Brook Township Public School district is extremely fortunate to have an active, supportive Parent-Teacher Organization. The PTO has made generous donations to support all aspects of the school community, including technology, libraries, and playgrounds. The Green Brook Education and Athletic Foundation is also working to support the programs and facilities in the district. Other school facility and technology upgrades support the district’s challenging educational programs. The parents’ efforts, combined with the support of the board of education, clearly exhibit the community’s commitment to provide a quality education for its students.
A small district, such as Green Brook, is an excellent vehicle for delivering a quality educational program that emphasizes academic excellence, as well as social and emotional growth in a caring and nurturing environment. The school community agrees wholeheartedly with John Goodlad, who wrote in A Place Called School “…. the smallest schools were better at solving problems, more intellectually oriented, had more caring teachers, and greater parent/student satisfaction.” In Green Brook we embrace the concept of community and take immense pride in the collective success of all of our students.