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Special Services / Transition Links

Transition Resources:

DVRS: Division of Vocational Rehabilitative Services

Offers persons with disabilities an opportunity to become independent through employment  



DDD: Division of Developmental Disabilities

 Helps developmentally disabled students claim their rights in the community  www.state.nj.us/humanservices/ddd  

NJTARP: New Jersey Technological Advancement Resource Program

 Increase awareness and access to assistive technology  www.njpanda.org/tarp 

NJCBVI: New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

  Enables eligible individuals with vision problems to achieve employment  www.state.nj.us/humanservices/cbvi 


SPAN: Statewide Parent Advocacy Network Offers training and information to parents www.spannj.org 


NJP&A: New Jersey Protection & Advocacy

  Advocates for and protects legal, civil and human rights for the disabled  www.njpanda.org 

COFD: County offices for the disabled

  Advocates for the interests of disabled childrenwww.wnjpin.state.nj.us/services/cofd.htm 


ARC: ARC of New Jersey Provides a variety of services for the disabled  www.arcnj.org 


CIL: Council for Independent Living

 Provides support for disabled students who have the potential for competitive employment www.njil.org  

 ADA: Alliance for the Disabled in Action

Offers workshops and information on housing, employment, transportation, assistive technologyww.adacil.org