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Technology / Web Publishing Policy

Web Publishing PolicyGreen Brook Township Public Schools has a presence on the Internet which allows it to share information with district employees, students, parents and the community. To ensure that the information published on the Internet by schools, departments and classes are consistent, appropriate, relevant and timely, and do not violate individual rights and security, the following document has been created. Please note that before student names and/or pictures can be included on the school or district’s webpage it must be verified that parents or guardians have not requested otherwise.

  1. Content of web pages will be in accordance with the following objectives:
    1. Enriches and supports the curriculum.
    2. Provides sources of information for pupils, staff, and parents.
    3. Adheres to copyright law.
    4. Meets appropriate editorial standards.
  2. All GBTPS School District websites will reside on the district’s web provider’s server.
  3. All pages must be created and edited by GBTPSSchool District employees. Exceptions must be approved by the appropriate school administrator and the Director of Technology. Users may not disclose their passwords to unauthorized individuals (including students, family or friends).
  4. Names and/or photographs of students may be included unless otherwise requested by a parent or guardian. It is recommended that students are identified by first names only; no last names should be used. NO addresses or phone numbers will be published.
  5. By default, limited information about staff members is permitted for publication on the web. Information should be limited to the following items and should be presented professionally:
    1. E-mail
    2. Full Name
    3. School Name
    4. School Phone Number
    5. Position
    6. Past accomplishments and activities
    7. Education and qualifications
  6. Links contained on the school’s page(s) must be appropriate and relevant to the curriculum and purposes of the school. These might include sites that:
    1. are historical
    2. provide educational services and/or resources
    3. provide information on co-curricular activities
  7. Links from the school’s page(s) may not include:
    1. sites that are in conflict with the objectives of GBTPS School District
    2. sites whose sole purpose is commercial advertisement
    3. sites whose material is potentially offensive
  8. Publishing Expectations
    1. All District and School web pages should meet goals of high quality in both style and presentation.
    2. All District and School web pages will be created by district personnel. Students will not have access to faculty or staff usernames and passwords.
    3. Correct grammar and spelling are expected. All information must be verifiable.
    4. Publications must include a statement of copyright when appropriate and indicate that permission has been secured when including copyrighted materials.
    5. Commercial use for the pursuit of personal or financial gain is prohibited.
    6. Non-educational games, links to non-educational games and advertisements for games are not to be published.
    7. Personal information or data of any staff member or student will not be published. Personal information is defined as any data that violates a student’s (or staff member’s) right to privacy, or that may endanger their safety. Personal information is considered to be such information as address, phone number, neighborhood, personal email addresses, information regarding relatives or parents, etc. District email accounts are not to be considered private and are not specifically protected by this definition. E-mail addresses will be published as needed without prior consent from staff.
    8. Pages will be viewable to the public only when complete. Under Construction sites will not be used.
    9. Web Design basics listed below will be followed to ensure a professional web presence that is in keeping with the district’s vision.
  9. Web Design Basics
    1. Backgrounds should be light in color and simple so that text is easy to read. Avoid bold primary colors and busy backgrounds.
    2. Text should follow normal print conventions with alignment to the left.
    3. Text should contrast sharply with any background color.
    4. Limit the use of emphasizing text with italics, bolds or capital letters. Only hyperlinked text should be underlined.
    5. Use graphics sparingly and avoid flashing text and animations.
  10. GBTPS District Administration reserves the right to audit and/or adjust any materials published on the district’s web server.